We are pleased to announce that Nick Bruty is back in the game. Despite of the painful situation, which affected Planet Moon Studios, Nick Bruty, creator of MDK and Richard Sun decided to create a completely fresh company. And so the Rogue Rocket Games was born. Good luck guys!
We're a bit late at reporting this, it's not good news at all for the industry. Planet Moon Studios (originally founded by core MDK team members) has hit several problems concerning the pullout of funding and payments late 2010 and the employment of 37 previous staff members at MMO developer Bigpoint Games.
The studio is still operational and despite popular belief, Bigpoint has NOT bought the studio, only the re-employed staff and PMS still seems to be producing games. Reports detail that Planet Moon Studios is pursuing legal action with the parties involved in the financial situation late last year.
Planet Moon Studios has made award winning games and original IPs after MDK, such as Giants Citizen Kabuto, Armed and Dangerous and Infected. We're hoping these guys recover their expenses. We wish the best to all involved.
Some time ago, I created a photo gallery of the MDK game series. You can take a look of it here: Gallery
I especially recommend "MDK Limited Edition Booklet" category, where you can see scans of article about the making of the first MDK game and something about Shiny Entertainment.
I'd like to thank our teammate Freker for images of "MDK Limited Edition Booklet".
It's been a long time since last news, but luckily we gathered some new information about MDK 2 HD and the Wii version.
Trent Oster from Beamdog said : "We haven't posted anything on MDK2 HD as we're in the middle of a site re-design. Status-wise, We're just finishing up the Wii port of MDK2 in the next few days, then it is 100% on MDK2 HD. (We've already done some sweet things to the engine and it will only get better)."
Source : BioWare Social Network
After more than 10 years of waiting for any news about MDK series, Interplay Entertainment Corp. and Beamdog partner announced bringing MDK2 to the Nintendo Wii™ and MDK2 HD to the PC.
To read more click the "Read More" button below.
Welcome to our MDK fansite. You can find here the latest news from the world of the MDK series.
The site itself is not yet finished, we also need to write a lot of articles. It'll take some time but it surely will be done later.
Meanwhile, you can visit our forums. Thank you for your patience, we hope you'll spend a great time with us!