This droid will alert nearby enemies when he sees you. It is always better to eliminate him in sniper mode from afar.
It's very tough machine. It shoots a blue electro-ray which explode on impact. Tank may deploy even several Grunts by shooting with them at your position.
Not too tough, but can be annoying. Kill the driver to disable the machine.
Actually, it's not the enemy, but the aliens' vehicle which you can't destroy. You need to enter it to go to the next arena.
Minecrawler from Laguna Beach
This minecrawler has a lot of polygons and trenches. Its pilot is Slit Eye, a great strategist.
Minecrawler from Lindfield
This one is made almost entirely of glass. Its pilot is Gunter Junior, an alien alcoholic.
Minecrawler from Livingston
Third gigantic strip mining city-vehicle. This Minecrawler is the aliens' insane asylum. One big disturbing place.
Minecrawler from Kirkcaldy
This one is covered with snow and doesn't have any unique boss.